The Hokie Way enabled Virginia Tech student-athletes to make a huge impact on behalf of our charitable partners in 2023. In just our first full year of existence, we grew from four partners to nine – broadening our reach and forging new platforms for student-athletes to leverage their Name, Image, and Likeness for charitable causes.


The Hokie Way’s charitable partner list grew from four to nine in 2023. Each non-profit was approved by The Hokie Way’s Board of Directors due to their unique missions and importance to local communities. The partnerships with these charities have been highly successful and we’re excited to see how they grow in 2024.


Producing and amplifying student-athlete promotional content on behalf our charitable partners is a cornerstone of The Hokie Way’s mission.

In 2023, Virginia Tech student-athletes reached more than 938,000 people across multiple social media channels with promotional content in support of charitable organizations and their causes.


Virginia Tech student-athletes were extremely active on behalf of our charitable partners in 2023. In fact, of the 171 student-athlete engagements, 90 individual student-athletes worked on behalf of The Hokie Way in support of our charitable partners. 58% male, 42% female

We’re proud to have created opportunities for student-athletes from 15 varsity athletic programs. The most active student-athlete was Virginia Tech football’s Pheldarius Payne, who participated in seven unique activations.


In 2023, Virginia Tech student-athletes took part in 220 unique activations - comprised of 85 projects (including 17 campaigns) and 135 pieces of content for our charitable partners.

Engagements consisted of promotional content, event appearances, service work, etc. Student-athletes appeared at 36 promotional or service events, totaling 346 hours spent on behalf of the charitable organizations.